Sunday, January 22, 2012


We studied Joel and eavesdropped on the characters of the story. They experienced a devastating attack from a relentless army of locusts as the farmers watched their livelihood be devoured. The people in Joel mourned and wept over their loss and declared that like their vines, their joy had withered. It really got me thinking about what we place our joy in. You see, for the farmers the joy was in their harvest. That would be the time when they would reap what they sowed; when their labour would end to introduce rest and profit. But this is such a fragile way to live. God had called for these very farmers to serve a dry land and to acknowledge Him as their provider of rainfall. What a privilege profession to call on YHWH and to daily see the miracle of His sustenance. I think about my own life and how desperate I am to see fruit. That's the dream! Because when you see a flourish your heartbeat can steady as you are affirmed that all you have invested in was worthwhile. I feel this deep call from God to be satisfied in the process. So much of looking ahead can steal so much of tasting joy in the now. In acknowledgement and acceptance that my short-sighted vision never really knows what's coming next, I choose to abandon this fragile hope of future joy and live celebrating the season.