Saturday, January 7, 2012


I've been thinking about how we make conclusions. As people, we constantly calculate and evaluate that which surrounds us and our ability to dissect circumstances aids our further choices. However, as people who are called to a life of submission beneath our Maker, I feel challenged to see how short-sighted and biased our assessments can be. In the book of Job there are 34 chapters which describe him receiving guidance from his friends who concluded wrongly about the causes of his affliction. Job's circumstance was un-cooked, and thus people's neglect of perception of Yahweh led to unhealthy advice. I can remember times in my own life where I have obeyed God and yet been met with discouragement and closed doors. Then, my raw understanding flowed from this newly created wound which questioned God's nature, or His guidance, or my ability to discern His voice. I think prematurely and I am quick to claim that I understand. This broken lesson revives in me gratitude that this God whom we follow and invest in, He doesn't fluctuate or change. Therefore throughout life's spectrum of experiences we can stand assured and convinced that we are loved, watched and pursued by this great, redeeming God.