I'm starting to organise my last few years and the stories collected according to countries and places. Before Hawaii, I had the classic dilemma of needing money with not much time to get it. I frantically searched for whoever could offer the most hours and a combination of desperation and disbelief led me through the doors of a busy city-centre pub. Despite not being able to picture myself there, I was hired and this classic English pub was to became my home from home over the next few years. Hindsight has granted me to see that God intentionally led me to this environment that I'd never have naturally put myself in. After working there for nearly two years my time came to a natural and God-led end, and so here I want to remember and celebrate my pub days; Harkers. I can't deny in honesty that it isn't a place of drunkenness, excess, greed, sin, immorality, loneliness, wealth and exclusivity, but to judge it as only that is to be premature. This pub was too a place of community and friendship, of connecting, sharing and generosity. I have loved momentarily crossing paths with people who I never would or could have done without this pub. It's taught me that I find life enjoyable and satisfying when I’m surrounded by people who are nothing like me, a lesson I expect will dictate my long-term job choices. I’ve learnt that the combination of opinion and alcohol easily leads to intense conversations. Mostly people seize this platform to state their stance, although few occasions I’ve had a quiet invite to follow with how I’ve learnt to see things. I’ve noticed that life is pretty rough on people, and they don’t need me to be another judge in their lives, deciding whether I deem them likeable or one I want to get to know, rather I can decide to like them regardless. In that environment I felt I stood out. I don't mean to sound arrogant but I don't want to belittle the light I feel God has sparked me and others to be. After all, in dark places, even a flicker of light seems outstanding and is hard to ignore. I feel heavy with gratitude that God led me to a mission-field as well as to a job, and know with certainty that His motive was His heart and love for the people in that pub-community. Now, I write filled with gladness and sadness that God allowed me to play a small part in His unfolding pursuit of being known in this city-centre pub.